PechaKucha Posts

PechaKucha Guest User PechaKucha Guest User

Vol. 5 Presenter: Miriam Diddy

Designer and planner, Miriam Diddy, developed a mobile app for the Zuni Pueblo that enabled community-driven data collection. In Dwelling in the Data Miriam will share her team’s preservation strategy on empowering the community to re-think how they repair, build and dwell in their place and how these principles can be applied in Santa Fe.

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PechaKucha Guest User PechaKucha Guest User

Vol. 5 Presenter: Ava Shije

Ava Shije, a digital marketing strategist, shares Crafting Your Company’s Positioning Strategy on how business leaders can communicate their value to customer groups, attract them when launching their companies, and account for demographics and competitors.

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PechaKucha Guest User PechaKucha Guest User

Vol. 5 Presenter: Nick Venditti

Portfolio manager, Nick Venditti, takes us on a journey in Your Instincts Are Wrong - A Mathematical Approach to Life through statistics at the intersection of our own instincts, providing a mathematical perspective on one’s approach to simple things believed to be true that could be wrong.

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PechaKucha Guest User PechaKucha Guest User

Vol. 5 Presenter: Alex Howell

Armed forces veteran and flight paramedic, Alex Howell, shares his personal journey in Never Quit!, How the Military's Special Operations Teaches to Never Give Up on how persistence has implications not only during war-time but also in his daily rituals and career following his honorable discharge.

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PechaKucha Guest User PechaKucha Guest User

Vol. 5 Presenter: Franziska Neumann

In ‘Strategies for Navigating the Online World’ Franziska Neumann focuses on building tools for creative-minded entrepreneurs to build their online presence and elevate their brand through creativity, connection and consistency.

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PechaKucha Guest User PechaKucha Guest User

Vol. 5 Presenter: Carlos Gemora

Carlos Gemora is an urban planner for the City of Santa Fe. In ‘Rampant Curiosity, Benevolent Chaos and Beautiful Failure’ Carlos will lead us through strategies that embrace curiosity, chaos and failure told from personal stories, metaphors and concepts of seed dispersal.

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PechaKucha Guest User PechaKucha Guest User

Vol. 5 Presenter: Dan Winter

Dan Winter is a graphic designer specializing in trial consulting. InVisual Strategies Applied to Jury Trials’ Dan will present legal case examples that demonstrate how visual strategies and memorable visual presentations play out in the legal arena.

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