Vol. 5 Presenter: Alex Howell



Never Quit! How the Military Special Operations Teaches to Never Give Up

Alex Howell learned to live by ‘Never Quit!’ as a daily ritual to living life as a tool after serving in the military and now as a flight paramedic. His story will delve into this strategy and its wide-reaching applications in career, personal growth and family dynamics.

Alex is currently a flight paramedic with a life-flight helicopter company here in Santa Fe and has been serving our community with helicopter critical care medicine for 8 years.


This the story of how the military and special operations develops and implements the strategy of “never quitting” into every one of its operators. Ever since I received an honorable discharge from the armed forces, it has surprised me over and over again how the almost subconscious application of never quitting has given me, if anything, a simple path to follow as I navigated the depths of post-war living. It is remarkable how lonely life can feel after the military because of a remission of inner connection points to the heart. Veteran suicides and homelessness far out-pace the national average. War can show us the true sides of ourselves in ways that only life and death scenarios can illuminate, and the strategy of never quitting used during these events has wide reaching applications in daily life. There’s a strategy for survival on the battlefield of war and in daily living alike. The military has some time tested instructional methods on teaching recruits how to simply not quit in stressful situations. I have found that these tools remain just as prevalent in my life today as it was almost a decade ago when I was in the thick of war. Whether it’s developing one’s professional career, personal growth, or family dynamics, having the tools to simply keep moving forward can be the difference between the achievement and failure of defined goals.


Alex is a Flight Paramedic with a Life-Flight Helicopter company here in Santa Fe and has been serving our community with Helicopter critical care medicine for 8 years. He began his career in the U.S. Air Force as Pararescueman at the age of 18 and is committed to conveying the unique lessons learned on how to truly never quit. Three deployments to war, hundreds of rescue missions overseas, and innumerable lives saved here in New Mexico, Alex knows that never quitting isn't a tactic but rather a daily ritual to live your life by.

Missed the live event? See Alex’s presentation here.


Vol. 5 Presenter: Nick Venditti


Vol. 5 Presenter: Franziska Neumann