ReVISION — The Future of Santa Fe Style

2024 Walking Tour Map (pdf) | 2024 Bike Tour Map (pdf)

Since 1912, our regional architectural style has been overwhelmingly successful in accomplishing its explicit goals of promoting tourism and economic development. And for all but the last two or three decades, our style project has been oriented towards envisioning Santa Fe’s future, projecting its growth, and creating new urban forms. 

Given the unique challenges we face more than a century later, how might we reimagine the Santa Fe Style? Reevaluate its purpose? Reassess its values and audience? Recover its design creativity and vision of the future?  

Our 2024 ReVISION Series is an examination of the future of the City Different as it appeared at key moments from 1912 to the present. Together we will explore the invention and rich evolution of the Santa Fe Style and how we might have different conversations with the past about our collective future. Four unique events over the course of the year will provide a myriad of ways to engage in this discussion.

Restyle: The Next 25 Years

March 15, 2025 | Design Charrette + Exhibition (April)

1:00 - 5:00 pm // Santa Fe Convention Center - Nambé Room

Help formulate a revised design agenda for the Santa Fe Style that leverages our design heritage to address the challenges of housing, climate, cultural equity, and more. Registration information coming soon.

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Exclusion: Santa Fe Style 1990s - Present

January 23, 2025 | Lecture + Panel Discussion

Evaluate the impact that 65 years of style and preservation mandates have had on the culture, livability, and sustainability of our city.

Bike Tour - Evolution: Santa Fe Style Postwar - 1980s

June 9, 2024  |  Bike Tour

Experience examples of stylistic evolution and design experimentation that were a product of unprecedented technological and cultural changes in the Modern and Postmodern eras.

Invention: Santa Fe Style 1912 - WWII

April 20, 2024  |  Walking Tour

Revisit the cultural moment and creative visions that formed a new regional style. Evaluate the roles of imitation, appropriation, and authenticity in urban placemaking.

Bike Tour - The Route Unseen

May 14 and October 1, 2023 | Bike Tour
Many of the characteristics of human-scale urban form that make a city liveable are not evident or utilized when traveling by car. This guided bike tour will highlight intentional and unintentional examples of urban design that contribute to a positive human experience within an urban environment. It will also call attention to areas in the City that would benefit from short-term enhancements to pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure and a long-term vision to return to human-scale development patterns.

ReVISION Round Table — False Dichotomies in Growth Narratives

May 19, 2022 | Lecture + Panel Discussion
Conventional thinking often pits all new development against community interests of stability, prosperity, and livability. This interactive panel discussion will examine and attempt to overcome these entrenched oppositions to show how increased density and smart growth can benefit greater equity, sustainability, and vibrancy in our shared built environment.

Architectural Detective Agency

June 12, 2022 | Walking Tour
This urban exploration engages the human artifacts, temporal changes, and chance encounters that are physically registered in the fabric of Santa Fe's downtown. Join us for a unique street-level examination through urban journaling, sketching, and photography.

Where We Meet

September 24, 2022 | Lecture + Panel Discussion
Much of Santa Fe’s modern design history has been overlooked — or erased — in favor of our romanticized notions about “who we are.” And not all stories of our design history get told. This event begins with a trip through twentieth century design in Santa Fe, followed by a panel conversation that explores what we’ve gained, what we’ve lost, and what we can harness from what we’ve learned — to lead us into a better designed, more sustainable, and more inclusive tomorrow—today. Presented by Design Corps of Santa Fe in partnership with Santa Fe Art Institute and Friends of Architecture Santa Fe.

Sketching the Future: NO PARKING!

October 2, 2022 | Design Charette
Few things get Santa Feans more animated than talking about parking! While focusing on a short supply of convenient parking, we overlook the fact that countless square miles of our city are actually used for nothing but temporary car parking. What could our world be like if we didn’t need to park? Join us for an afternoon of sketching, doodling, and discussion ranging from the mundane to the absurd, as we imagine other ways to use one of the most common units of space in our urban environment: the parking spot.

Your Support

Friends of Architecture Santa Fe’s programs and events are made possible by the financial support of our members and donors. We are a nonprofit organization and tax-exempt public charity under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All donations are tax-deductible.