PechaKucha Posts
PechaKucha VOL. 10 Session Recording Now Available!
This “chit-chat” flows from Maureo Fernandez y Mora’s presentation on their gender journey, to Erin English presenting her company’s portfolio on biophilic design, to Queen Bee Music Association sharing health benefits derived from learning music in a group context. Ultrarunner/photographer Rickey Gates closes out the night with his profound practice of transposing Vipassana meditation through the veins of each city he runs.
PechaKucha VOL. 9 Session Recording Now Available!
Five presenters—designer Travis Fitch, painter Tom Martinelli, animators from Little Big Bang Studios, public defender Craig Hay, and cartographer Tim Wallace—share their work and process on RESOLUTION—how they create it, find it, or not find it, what they discover when they go beyond it.
PechaKucha VOL. 8 Session Recording Now Available!
Six presenters—photographer Richard Frishman, zooarcheologist Victoria Monagle, preservationist Ke Vaughn Harding, psychiatrist Nancy Martin, architect Ayumi Date, and artist Nuttaphol Ma, share their takes on what haunts us—how they have reconciled, rejected, or release their ghosts. Hosted by Architect/FASF President Anthony Guida and Designer/VP Annette Prapasiri.
Vol. 8 Presenter: Ke Vaughn Harding
In Their Voices From the Ground, Historic Preservationist Ke Vaughn Harding unearths the discernible impressions left on the landscape by the enslaved souls of Good Hope Estate in Jamaica.
PechaKucha VOL. 7 Session Recording Now Available!
Vol. 7 Profit is co-hosted by architect and FASF President Anthony Guida and Mark Dytham, the co-founder of PechaKucha and Klein Dytham Architect. Our presenters—ranging from heritage developer to nectar nomad, drystone mason, nonprofit architecture firm, manufacturer, urban planner, and creative director—share how they have invested and reaped the rewards. They challenge the current definition of profit and argue its significance, reframing the paradigm of wealth.
Meet Our PechaKucha Vol. 7 Presenters
Join emcee, architect, and FASF President Anthony Guida, for a multi-faceted consideration of this contentious word—Profit.
Vol. 7 Presenter: Chris Jonas
Creative Director Chris Jonas presents Littleglobe TV, Stories of This Place, for This Place, leveraging creative content to foster cultural pride in our town.
Vol. 7 Presenter: Matt Smith
In Decoupling Profit, Purpose & Value, Organizational Designer Matt Smith explores profit’s conceptual underpinnings and questions what it actually incentivizes in architectural practice.
Vol. 7 Presenter: Daniel Schwab
In Profit and Placemaking, Historic Preservation Planner Daniel Schwab juxtaposes pre-capitalist vs. capitalist urban spaces, revealing which economic model produces the most beneficial outcomes.
Vol. 7 Presenter: Edie Dillman
See how Art Director-turned-CEO Edie Dillman is turning the building industry upside-down in her PROFIT: Flipping New Housing for Good.
Vol. 7 Presenter: Melanie Kirby
Fulbright-National Geographic Fellow and Nectar Nomad Melanie Kirby sketches a redefinition of wealth that benefits all of our planet’s biota in her presentation Profit for Prophets.
Vol. 7 Presenter: Joe Dinwiddie
In Troubled Waters, Drystone Mason Joe Dinwiddie reviews the good, the bad, and the ugly of masonry projects around the world.
Vol. 7 Presenter: Allan Affeldt
Developer Allan Affeldt shares his investment philosophy and the pay-off when we honor place and people in Creating a Sense of Place By Investing in Historic Buildings.