PechaKucha VOL. 9 Session Recording Now Available!
VOL. 9—RESOLUTION Session Recording
Wednesday, April 28 | 6 PM
Five presenters—designer Travis Fitch, painter Tom Martinelli, animators from Little Big Bang Studios, public defender Craig Hay, and cartographer Tim Wallace—share their work and process on RESOLUTION—how they create it, find it, or not find it, what they discover when they go beyond it.
VOL. 9 is co-hosted by Architect/FASF President Anthony Guida and Designer/FASF VP Annette Prapasiri.
Click on each title below to view individual presentations
Travis Fitch | Patterns that Connect
In Patterns that Connect, designer Travis Fitch discusses resolution in relationship to new methods of fabrication and old ideas of geometry and craft.Tom Martinelli | Is It Done Yet?
In Is It Done Yet?, abstract painter Tom Martinelli explores the quintessential moment when a painter knows his painting is complete.Little Big Bang Studios | Resolution in Motion
Animators Cynthia Beauclair and Ricardo Barros share their animation projects and storytelling process in Resolution in Motion.Craig Hay | Probated Justice: Free Meek Mill
Public defender Craig Hay sheds light on the failings of America’s probation framework in his Probated Justice: Free Meek Mill.Tim Wallace | The Benefits of Continuing Curiosity
In The Benefits of Continuing Curiosity, cartographer Tim Wallace reveals the gems one discovers when one pushes beyond the finish line.TIM'S PRESENTATION IS VIEWABLE IN OUR SESSION RECORDING. HE IS OUR LAST PRESENTER OF THE EVENING.