PechaKucha Posts
Vol. 4 Presenter: Gayla Bechtol
Her presentation will recount the historical context, process and vision driven by community leaders and local citizens in 'democratic design'. Encouraged by a sisterhood of citizens and using the design thinking skills she learned from her time at the Harvard Graduate School of Design and USC
Vol. 4 Presenter: Suzie Lee
Sound healer, Suzie Lee, grew up singing harmony with her mother. Fast forward through musical theater camps, jazz choir, and a cappella groups,
Vol. 4 Presenter: Lynn Grimes
Lynn Grimes is a retired public school teacher and visual artist. Having built her own off-the-grid home with her husband, she has spent her time connecting to the natural world through her art and her environs.
Vol. 4 Presenter: Jennifer Penner
Jennifer Penner is an architect at Studio Southwest Architects in Albuquerque, NM. Her story starts as an intern architect responsible for logging her internship hours across 16 categories in the industry’s Intern Development Program.
Vol. 4 Presenter: Annette Prapasiri
Our very own PK co-organizer, brand designer Annette Prapasiri will shed light on the various “voices” typefaces are trying to express in her presentation, Duet: The Art of Type Pairing.