
Thank you for your interest in being one of our presenters. For a smooth submission process, please view our submision guidelines below.

our 2021 themes are now published! view them here.


PechaKucha Santa Fe Submission Guidelines

  1. Email a brief summary (150–200 words) of your presentation and how it relates to the theme we have chosen, along with your 150-word bio to View all of 2020 themes here.

  2. Wait for confirmation. We have various parameters to judge if the topic is suitable for the particular theme of the event, one of which is diversity of perspective and industry represented. We curate between 6 to 10 presenters per night. While you wait, please watch some presentations on the PK website to get familiarized with the PK format here.

  3. Once you receive confirmation from us, email us your headshot and an image related to your presentation (at least 1500px wide, 72 dpi minimum). We use the content you provided to promote you and our event through various media channels. View samples here:

  4. Set up your profile on the official PechaKucha website. This mainly includes an email address, a headshot, and a bio. Please notify us once you have completed this so we can include you on our city PechaKucha website for the specific event.

  5. Put together your presentation. For your convenience, please download our Keynote Template or Powerpoint Template. These templates have pre-designed Opening and Closing slides added to the deck. Please enter your information into these two slides where solicited. PLEASE NOTE: Opening and Closing slides are used by our MC to transition between speakers; they will not be uploaded to the PK global website with your presentation. Your allotted speaking time of 6 minutes and 40 seconds is assigned to the middle 20 slides. If you use our templates, we have already added the required 20 seconds auto-transition between these 20 slides.

    Additional things to keep in mind—

    • Do not use any animation or transition effects, such as fade or dissolve, any time during your PK presentation. Your presentation is uploaded to the official PechaKucha website as 20 still images along with your voice recording. Their web platform merged these two type of assets into a video presentation.

    • We strongly advise against using editable text to avoid font display issues on the day of the event. However, if editable text are truly necessary, please default to our Powerpoint Template,  as Keynote lacks the font embedment capability. Be sure to embed your fonts upon saving your Powerpoint presentation.

  6. Email us your completed Keynote or Powerpoint to two weeks before the event date. For virtual events, we also request your pre-recorded sound file. If your file is large, please send us a link where we can download your materials. We request that once your presentation is submitted to us that there are no further changes. We ask for presentations in advance to give our team a chance to resolve any technical or formatting issues prior to the event. Once we have reviewed your content, we will reach back out to confirm.

    • Notify us how we should tag AND categorize your completed presentation when you submit your final presentation. Categories and tags increase traffic to your presentation which will be uploaded on the official PechaKucha website. Categories are a broad group of topics such as art, photography, design. To describe your presentation in more specific terms, use tags such as books, publishing, minimalist, collectors' item etc.

  7. Practice your presentation. Remember there is no 'go back one slide, please' in PechaKucha. And you have exactly 6 minutes and 40 seconds to share your story.

  8. On the day of the event: Show up early. FOR VIRTUAL EVENT WITH Q&A: We will send an invitation for you to join as a panelist. Please log-on at least 15 minutest in advance. Not all virtual events has a Q&A segment. In which case, you can just log-on to enjoy the show. FOR LIVE EVENT: Please arrived at the agreed upon time for your sound check.

  9. FOR LIVE EVENT: When called to present, take the mic! Enjoy this exhilarating experience. We will be cheering for you!

Share something you love, your latest project and/or creative work and take the audience on a journey. The spirit of the PechaKucha Nights highlight the creative and diverse interests of work and play in our community. “Good PechaKucha presentations are the ones that uncover the unexpected—unexpected talent, unexpected ideas. Some PechaKuchas tell great stories about a project or a trip. Some are incredibly personal, some are incredibly funny, but all are very different, and they turn each PechaKucha Night into “a box of chocolates.” (PechaKucha HQ FAQ’s)