Vol. 6 Presenter: Alexis Cintron



Awaken the Micro Nature


In times of uncertainty, it is more important than ever to learn how to delve inward, focus and reroot into the sensations and feelings of the body.  Through the focus of the mind and the power of breath, one can realign themselves and anchor into what roots them through the waves of change. In this presentation, Alexis shares breathing techniques, movement and healing philosophy that dials the mind, body and a soul into the force of their own nature. 



Alexis Cintron grew up in the high desert of Northern New Mexico. Her deep connection to life and nature propelled her into the Ancient Studies of Ayurveda and the movement of the elements through Ayuryoga.  

She is sought after by those looking to find their strength—desiring to stand strong on their own two feet, literally and metaphorically. She has an innate sense of discovering the root cause of other’s disease. She is known for her therapeutic hugs. She is passionate in empowering others to reclaim their energy through reconnecting them to their own body’s inherent wisdom.

Alexis is certified as an Ayurvedic Practitioner, Intuitive Energy Work, Breathwork, Reiki, Marma, Of Origin Yoga, Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga, Ayuryoga, Lo Ban Pai Spiral Energetic Work.

Missed our live event? See Alexis’s presentation here.


Vol. 6 Presenter: Kat Kinnick


Vol. 6 Presenter: Mollie Parsons