Vol. 6 Presenter: Clementine Wood





I recently rented an office—a room of my own, if you will—and for the first time in many years, opened up my portfolios full of unfinished paintings. Most of these paintings were begun 20 or 30 years ago. As the titles and themes proved to be exactly the same as the pieces I had planned to make for a current project, I decided to finish them. This presentation is an excerpt from a larger essay reflecting on a theme that my paintings (old and new) and writings (old and new) seem always to be caught up in—my failure to resolve the conflict between that which is determined and that which is free. The image of Daphne, rooted in body yet true to her own person, reframes my old debate and offers the possibility of reconciliation. 



I am a painter, a teacher and a mediator. A generalist by nature, I have followed many paths. I retrace my steps often and circle round again. In art and in life, I have chosen work that allows for the expression of a range of interests and passions. When time allows, I make things. My preferred materials include: paper, paint, ink, yarn, fabric, food, dirt and seeds.

Missed our live event? See Clementine’s presentation here.


Vol. 6 Presenter: Mollie Parsons


Vol. 6 Presenter: Renee Innis