Vol. 6 Presenter: Mollie Parsons



Invisible Roots


Tree and plant roots twine throughout the soil below our feet, but we rarely think about this complex underground network. However, this delicate filigree of life is responsible for providing water and nutrients to plants, and in turn, to us. Scientists are still learning about how plants use this web to survive and even communicate. We will explore the relationships and interconnections between the invisible world below the soil and the world we can see.



Mollie Parsons is currently the Director of Education & Interpretation at the Santa Fe Botanical Garden. A native of the Southwest, Mollie grew up in Prescott, AZ and Albuquerque, NM, where she developed a deep appreciation for the natural world. She earned an undergraduate degree from Brown University, followed by masters degrees in education from Harvard University and Boston College. She is the founding Director of Education at the Santa Fe Botanical Garden, and she looks forward to continuing to build partnerships and educating the community about Santa Fe’s ecology.

Missed our live event? See Mollie’s presentation here.


Vol. 6 Presenter: Alexis Cintron


Vol. 6 Presenter: Clementine Wood